Patchwork Harmony Review

Patchwork Harmony can be downloaded here! Patchwork Harmony is about a grandfather who stitched together a toy bunny filled with so much love and so much soul that it brings that bunny to life to deliver a music box to Lindsey, his granddaughter. Much like the toy bunny, there is so much love put intoContinueContinue reading “Patchwork Harmony Review”

Midst of Lost Review

Midst of Lost is Cosine Interactive’s second video game. It is a game that is full of flaws, but has enough polish and potential to give you enjoyment. The enemy designs are nice, the story is fine, and the gameplay has some fun mechanics, but ultimately lacks depth. I wish I could say I lovedContinueContinue reading “Midst of Lost Review”

Deep Snow (First Build) Review

Deep Snow is a minuscule adventure game that takes place on a very snowy mountaintop, and you are tasked with finding a way home. The only way to do this is making performing a ritual that will allow you to teleport back home. The experience has some backtracking issues that are increased by the lackContinueContinue reading “Deep Snow (First Build) Review”

Elephantastic Review

Elephantastic is a fantastic (you’re welcome, and I am not sorry) platformer with a lot of personality, fun gameplay, cool visual effects, and music that goes extremely well with its theme. It does suffer from extremely repetitive menu music as well as an issue with making you manually access every level through the level selectionContinueContinue reading “Elephantastic Review”

Flicker of the flame Review

    Flicker of the flame was developed for the Fire game jam hosted by CUGameDev. The jam guidelines were quite simple, make a game about fire, and Flicker of the flame used this theme and created a short platformer where you play as a flame trying to get out of a tree.    As a flame, youContinueContinue reading “Flicker of the flame Review”

Annette’s Umbrella Journey Review

    Depression is a subject that is tackled a lot in video games, both big and small. Annette’s Umbrella Journey explores this subject, as well as how society views mental illness, in a platforming way. You play as Annette Bids as she platforms and uses her umbrella to avoid the negative comments that areContinueContinue reading “Annette’s Umbrella Journey Review”